FAQ 2022-11-18T15:45:15-05:00

How can I submit a lesson?

In order to submit a lesson, you must be Kentucky Adult Education (KYAE) local program staff or contracted personnel. To submit a lesson for review, click on the “Submit Lessons” tab on the homepage, and choose “Create and Submit a Lesson.”

Choose either the Math or RLA template tool. Then follow the instructions given on each screen and submit the lesson for review. Steps may be accessed in any order using the menu found on the left side of every screen. If you are unable to complete the digital template all at once, your work may be saved and submitted at a later time using the “Save and Continue” feature.

What happens after I submit a lesson?

Once your lesson is submitted, it will then be reviewed by content experts to ensure that they are relevant and appropriate to the adult learner. These lesson plan reviewers will score the lesson plan (on a 1 to 3 scale) and provide comments to the author.

Lesson plans will either be accepted for submission in the KYAE Lesson Bank, or the author will have the opportunity to revise and resubmit. In the latter instance, the creator of the lesson plan will have a detailed comment sheet provided by the reviewer to guide the revision process. Once this revision process is complete, the author will have the opportunity to re-submit their revised lesson plan.

Will the Lesson Bank time out?

No, not in the usual sense that after 15 or 30 minutes of non-use a user would be automatically logged off, forcing the user to log in again.

The session will stay open until the user logs off. When a user logs in, that login is managed by storing a session cookie on the user’s machine. This cookie has a limited lifetime of two weeks after logging in. When it expires, the user will have to log in again to continue.