Check out these wonderful and positive KY Skills U Lesson Bank reviews from local and national users.
- “I reviewed all of the resources and found two to be more useful than the other two. One of which I currently use. The two r
esources I could use with my students is the KYAE Lesson bank and the PBS learning website. I currently have several of the math lessons printed off from the lesson bank, I enjoy using them, because they are tailored towards adult education already, so you don’t have to “reinvent the wheel” when using them.” ~ Participant from Partnering with Peers PD workshop hosted by CCLD
“Thank you for publishing this. These are awesome lesson plans! I appreciate the user friendly website and the categories you have laid out.”~ Kelly Meeks, Transitions Coordinator/Career Navigator, Adult Education Department at Navarro College, Corsicana, TX
- “I am a
retired High School math teacher who is currently the math instructor in an Adult Basic Ed program in Massachusetts. I just found this website while struggling to plan my multi-level curriculum. I can’t believe what luck! You have done such a wonderful job of providing resources to use for CCR standards and make it more manageable. Thank you!” ~ Gale Berger, Adult Basic Education Program, Massachusetts.
In addition to the positive comments the Lesson Bank received, this great resource was recently featured on the LINCS webpage. Below is an excerpt Sharon Johnston submitted for a discussion hosted by LINCS in July 2018.
“Did you know that the KY Skills U Lesson Bank has been visited by users in 49 states? The nation is watching your good work, happening across the Commonwealth every day! Over the next 3 days LINCS (an initiative of the U.S. Depart. of Education, Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education (OCTAE) to expand evidence-based practice in the field of adult education) is featuring the KY Skills U Lesson Bank, as a strong example of an open education resource for high-quality, contextualized lessons to prepare students for the transition to college or career.” Sharon Johnston, Director, College and Career Prep, KY Sills U, submitted for LINCS weekly discussion.