Career Clusters

Career Clusters 2017-01-19T19:50:18-05:00

There are 16 career clusters leading to various career pathways. Instructors can incorporate these clusters into curriculum design and instruction. Adult education services will include workforce preparation activities and training for specific occupations; this will allow students to achieve their educational and career goals. For a listing and description of these career clusters, please click on the link below.

Career Cluster Pathways

Using Job Skills to Choose a Career

In the previous class, students began creating a profile on Focus/Career using the resume-building aspect of the tool. Today, they will view available jobs in their area that matches their skill level. Through examining job requirements and the characteristics of successful applicants, students will be able to evaluate data and create their own summary of it to better understand their chances at obtaining one of the jobs matched to their profiles.

GED Content Areas

  • Reading
  • Writing