There are 16 career clusters leading to various career pathways. Instructors can incorporate these clusters into curriculum design and instruction. Adult education services will include workforce preparation activities and training for specific occupations; this will allow students to achieve their educational and career goals. For a listing and description of these career clusters, please click on the link below.
Integers [Finance]
- Adding Integers
Money Matters [Finance]
- Banking Accounts
Rational Numbers [Finance]
- Checkbook Integers
Division [Finance]
- It's Party Time!
Financial Literacy-Tax Time [Finance]
- Payroll Taxes
Real-Life Ratios, Rates, and Proportions [Finance]
- Real-Life Proportions
- Real-Life Ratios and Rates
Focus Career Unit [Finance]
- Health Care Jobs
Goal Achievement [Finance]
- The Vocabulary of Saving and Investing Money