Math Lesson View

Math Lesson View 2018-01-16T18:34:28-05:00

Introduction to Circles

The purpose of this lesson is to teach students to measure and compare the ratio of circumference to diameter of circles and to identify the relationships between the parts of a circle. Also, students will form generalizations about employment opportunities such as quilting, jewelry making, manufacturing of ball bearings, car rims and wheels, sports equipment, and skilled jobs such as, plumbing, construction, machinist, etc.

GED Content Areas

  • Number and Ratios

  • Geometry

Locate Points in the Coordinate Plane

  • The purpose of this lesson is to enable students to locate points that lie in a plane formed by two intersecting axes. The students will understand that the x-axis is horizontal and the y-axis is vertical on the coordinate plane. Also, the students will be able to identify the location of a point shown by two numbers called an ordered pair. Understanding the coordinate plane is important for real world concepts of geometry and algebra for graphing and solving equations.

GED Content Areas

  • Geometry

Location, Location, Location: Navigating in the Coordinate Plane

In this lesson, students will learn the basic knowledge or a coordinate grid and what it is useful.  Students will learn to plot points and use points to determine location.  Knowledge of the coordinate plane is a precursor to more advanced geometry and trigonometry.  In and of itself, however, the application of some sort of organized locator plan is used in groceries, department stores, parking lots, campuses of colleges and large businesses, and, locally, in at least four factories.

GED Content Areas

  • Geometry

  • Number and Ratios

Math Skills for Carpet & Tile Installation

This lesson shows students how math skills can be applied to make improvements to their own living spaces. It also shows them how they would use these math skills if they were employed in the trade jobs of carpet laying or tile setting. This lesson builds on the unit’s aim to help students explore trade jobs.

GED Content Areas

  • Geometry

  • Number and Ratios

Measuring Angles

The purpose of this lesson is to enable students to understand angle measurement and become proficient in the use of a protractor.  These are essential basic skills for further work in geometry and in a wide variety of career fields such as carpentry, surveying, engineering, and drafting.

GED Content Areas

  • Geometry

Real World Perimeter and Area

The benefit of students understanding the properties of perimeter and area gives the learners tools to reason with in daily life. Students will have learned skills that can be transferred both to their personal lives and their jobs.  This lesson will help students understand the concepts of perimeter and area and how to use this knowledge in home and office improvements and/or repairs.

GED Content Areas

  • Number and Ratios

  • Number and Ratios

  • Geometry

Three-Dimensional Shapes: Area and Nets

The purpose of the lesson is for students to understand that surface area is the area of all of the faces of the three-dimensional shape.  Students will develop techniques for computing surface area by breaking the three-dimensional shape into nets.

Note:  Due to the nature of the lesson, the three-dimensional shapes chosen should be: rectangular prism, cube, triangular prism, & rectangular pyramid. These shapes will be the easiest to manipulate using square graph paper.

GED Content Areas

  • Geometry

  • Number and Ratios

Work with Angles

To reinforce using a variable to solve for an unknown as a preface to more complex geometric concepts

GED Content Areas

  • Geometry