Math Units Page

Math Units Page 2017-01-14T17:06:35-05:00

Hospital Beds, Nurse’s Aides, and the Future

The purpose of this lesson is for the student to research and present to others the long-term health care options in their locale from the perspective of a potential patient, healthcare worker, and employer.  The lesson will require locating information from various sources, interpreting charts and graphs, improving communication skills, and making cross-curricular connections into math, social studies and science.  Furthermore, this lesson could be used to demonstrate research and presentation skills (either in written editorial or orally in a civic group meeting) necessary to lobby for improved work conditions and improved health care in their community.

GED Content Areas

  • Number and Ratios

  • Algebra and Functions

Oxygen Needs by the Numbers

The purpose of this lesson is to teach students to measure and interpret measurements relating to respiratory needs in order to choose an appropriate health care action.

GED Content Areas

  • Number and Ratios

Ratio and Proportion - Using a Double Number Line

This lesson is designed to enhance student numeracy by introducing students to ratio reasoning with and without pre-defined quantities. Students will use a double number line to make sense of and solve for equivalent ratios as they would occur in the health sciences field as well as real-life situations. 

GED Content Areas

  • Number and Ratios

  • Number and Ratios

Three Views of a Ratio: Using Unit Rate

This lesson is the second part of Module 6 for the SRNA program. The purpose of this lesson is to have students comfortably reason, create, and perform calculations among ratios in three different ways:

• Simple written ratio/proportion

• Ratio data tables

• Graphs on a coordinate plane

This lesson will help students navigate between all three at ease and “bring it all together.” Most high-stakes exams, such as the GED® Test, KYOTE, and others will expect students to have skills in all three of these areas and be able to do calculations or produce meaningful statements about data. This lesson also calls on students to compare rates. This is significant because students will often be asked in exams, on the job, or in their everyday lives to make a judgment call on the “better” rate, given two ratios not in a unit rate. Higher-order reasoning skills are honed when students make qualitative inferences from mathematical data and relationships. To this end, SRNA and medical related/specific items are given as problem samples whenever possible.

GED Content Areas

  • Number and Ratios

Understanding Ratios: Using Ratio Tables

This lesson builds upon SRNA Module 5 and moves students further in their ratio numeracy, according to the lead standard, with the use of ratio tables, a tool that facilitates proportional reasoning. Students are often taught to calculate and solve for an unknown in a proportion (such as with the ‘butterfly method’) with very little emphasis placed on understanding the relationship between the numbers involved. Superimposing a rule, even a “good” rule, often forces students away from the meaning, and this lesson will provide an alternative method that strengthens student proportional reasoning skills and number sense. Additionally, reasoning with ratio tables provides students opportunities to use multiple pathways to achieve a solution to a problem, and students are able to see discrete ratios along the way toward the main goal.

GED Content Areas

  • Number and Ratios