RLA Lessons

RLA Lessons 2016-12-26T11:59:42-05:00

Climax on the Rainy River: Character, Setting, and Plot Devices

The purpose of this lesson is to enable students to identify and analyze plot elements, character, and setting of a complex fiction text utilizing the appropriate tools.  Additionally, this lesson will prepare students for the GED, as well as prepare students to use appropriate tools to analyze information in real-world settings, such as a college classroom or a workplace environment.


Explicitly stated: 

Understanding how to identify and analyze plot elements, character, and setting will prepare you to pass the GED test, and it will help you develop important workplace skills by enabling you to use appropriate tools to accurately analyze complex information.

GED Content Areas

  • Reading
  • Speaking and Listening

Weight and Weightlessness: Themes of The Things They Carried

The purpose of this lesson is to enable students to determine themes of literary texts, analyze their emergence and development through specific details, and communicate a written analysis of the theme using clear reasoning supported with relevant evidence.  Additionally, analysis and communication of complex ideas will prepare students to complete the GED, as well as prepare students to analyze complex ideas in real-world settings, such as, college classrooms and workplace environments.

GED Content Areas

  • Reading
  • Writing

Welding Terminology, Joint and Weld Types, Diagrams and Symbols

This lesson is part of the development of a unit on Introductions to different Careers in the workplace. It is meant to create interest in a career in welding for those GED students who do not wish to pursue more academic based careers by showing they are already equipped (or could easily become equipped) to pursue a career in this field. This lesson also teaches strategies for finding meaning in job-specific vocabulary.

GED Content Areas

  • Reading