RLA Lessons

RLA Lessons 2016-12-26T11:59:42-05:00

Career Snapshots Closing Day 1

To introduce students to very basic research so that they can begin career exploration for themselves

GED Content Areas

  • Writing

It’s Your Turn! Writing an Opinion Piece

To synthesize student knowledge of opinion pieces in a culminating writing activity

GED Content Areas

  • Writing

Note-taking Mini-lesson

To teach students how to take notes while listening to a presentation/lecture.

GED Content Areas

  • Writing

SMART Goal-Setting

Goal-setting is a required element of KYAE program intake and orientation but is also critical to college- and career-readiness and success.

GED Content Areas

  • Reading
  • Writing

What is Your Why?

In this lesson targeted at students beginning their GED® credential attainment journey, students will be asking themselves why they are deciding to pursue their goals, providing more direction for their efforts.

GED Content Areas

  • Reading
  • Writing

Workplace Systems

To learn how to analyze texts to determine how and why a practical workplace system is put in to place and apply this knowledge to the development of an incentive program

GED Content Areas

  • Reading
  • Writing