Welcome to KYAE digital lesson planning templates, which were developed as a result of KYAE’s extensive statewide efforts to implement standards-based instruction. Every lesson integrates the College and Career Readiness Standards (CCRS) for Adult Education with opportunities for students to practice and apply the skills needed to get a job and keep a job, as outlined by KYAE’s Employability Standards.
The templates are specifically designed to guide instructors in developing exemplar lessons that include the key instructional shifts that are inherent in the standards and necessary to prepare students for college and careers. Lessons accepted to the bank undergo a rigorous vetting and revision process and require more steps than most instructors generally include when planning a lesson. For this reason, KYAE also developed lesson planning guides for each template to provide clarification and examples of what should be addressed in each section. Lesson developers are strongly encouraged to read the information presented for any steps that may be new to them.