Lesson Bank Contributor Spotlight
The Lesson Bank is happy to announce and welcome a new lesson plan contributor, Leah Manley. Mrs. Manley is a veteran science and math teacher and has recently been teaching online ESL classes to Chinese […]
New Math HyperDoc Lessons Added!
Recently we were very excited to announce the addition of HyperDoc Lesson tabs for all subjects contained in the Lesson Bank. We are very happy to announce that now, in addition to the first round […]
More HyperDocs Coming!
We are very excited to share the news! We recently added HyperDoc Lesson tabs for all subjects contained in the Lesson Bank in anticipation of new lessons in science, social studies, Reasoning through Language Arts […]
HyperDoc Lesson Plans
KY Skills U is excited to announce that 18 Math HyperDocs Lessons have recently been added to the Lesson Bank. HyperDocs are the 21st Century worksheet, but much better! HyperDocs are interactive lessons containing embedded instruction […]
New Lesson Bank Video Tutorials
The Lesson Bank is happy to announce that we have updated our Lesson Bank video tutorial to 4 smaller videos. These videos are broken down by sections, including “Welcome,” “Getting Started,” “Creating and Submitting a […]
Distance Learning During CoVid 19
Due to the recent Corona Virus (CoVid 19) pandemic, many Adult Ed learning programs are utilizing Distance Learning – now more than ever. To assist programs, Kentucky Skills U is now offering Microlearning Mondays, featuring […]
Kentucky Skills U Instructional Framework Series
The Lesson Bank would like to highlight the Kentucky Skills U Instructional Frameworks. While designing the Framework Series, a common instructional foundation for all of Kentucky’s adult education providers was the primary focus. The Instructional […]
Welcome Kayla Crouch!
We would like to welcome Kayla Crouch, a new lesson author who has recently joined the Lesson Bank team. Kayla is a native of Bath County, where she resides with her husband and 1.5-year-old son. […]
Web-developer Spotlight!
We are excited to spotlight our web-developer, Jeff Moser. We are pleased to team up with Jeff to create and develop our high quality resource, the […]
Hyperlinks Added to At-A-Glance Lists and GED® HII Crosswalks
Adult Education Academy at Morehead State University is pleased to announce that all lesson titles in the At-A-Glance Lesson Lists and Crosswalks to GED® High Impact Indicators for math and RLA are now hyperlinked for […]