In September, the Developing Your First KYAE Skills U Lesson Bank Lesson PD session was offered by KYAE Skills U and facilitated by Susie Roberts. The purpose of this blended PD was to assist instructors with the resources needed to create and implement lesson plans applying KYAE Skills U Lesson Planning tools. This PD led to the contribution of five high-quality lessons to the bank, three math lessons and two RLA lessons. We encourage you to give these new lessons a look! To access these lessons, type in the name of the lesson below the search icon located on the Lesson Bank home page.
We invite you to view and make use of these premium lessons:
- Gender Pay Gap- Melissa Rolph
- Welding Terminology, Joint and Weld Types, Diagrams and Symbols- Sherriane Williams
- Parts, Percents, and Wholes- Athena Brandow
- Using Proportions to Solve Direct and Inverse Variation- Brian Thomas
- Playing with Pythagoras- Allen Thomas
- Using Proportion to Solve Percent- Derek Mullins
Below are comments from a couple of participants in the Developing Your First KYAE Skills U Lesson Bank Lesson PD, featuring brief descriptions of the lessons they created.
“This professional development opportunity was wonderful in that the process of creating lesson plans that will matter to our students was practice-based. In fact, everything about the PD ended with positive take-aways which will be useful to my teaching. I not only gained something out of it, but feel as if, by contributing to the KYAE Lesson Bank, I am contributing to our profession as well as finding a convenient and effective vetted resource whose materials I don’t have to adapt from K-12 classrooms. The lesson I created introduces GED students to the welding field for those interested by showing they are already equipped (or could easily become equipped) to pursue a career in this field. This lesson also teaches strategies for finding meaning in job-specific vocabulary.” – Sherraine Williams, Muhlenberg County Adult Education Skills U.
“The lesson will use proportions to help solve applications involving direct and inverse variation. Also, students will continue to build their knowledge of different measurement abbreviations. These skills can be very important in technology and health fields. The lesson will expose students to scenarios that can really be applied in these fields. Also, there was an emphasis to develop a working solution using estimation methods to ensure reasonableness of the solution. The PD led by Susie Roberts made it fairly easily to build and publish a lesson on KYAE Skills U Lesson Bank, and it was comforting that the lesson was reviewed before it was published.” Brian Thomas, Skills U at SkillTrain, Daviess County