Math Lesson View

Math Lesson View 2018-01-16T18:34:28-05:00

Calculating Perimeter and Area of a Rectangle

This lesson will assist students in understanding the concepts of perimeter and area.  Use of the concepts and processes learned to calculate perimeter and area of rectangles will be able to be applied to everyday life and the workplace.

GED Content Areas

  • Geometry

Circumference and Area of a Circle

Students will practice using simple measuring skills to discover relationships between the diameter, radius, circumference, and area of circular objects. Students will understand why Pi is used when working with circles. They will be able to use this concept to find circumference and area of any circle when diameter or radius is given. This lesson has many real world applications such as understanding area of a circular rug to use as a floor covering and calculating circular lengths for landscaping.

GED Content Areas

  • Algebra and Functions

  • Algebra and Functions

  • Geometry

Cover This (Finding Area)

The purpose of this lesson is to teach students to use the GED formula sheet effectively and to calculate the area of different shaped objects. Students will then transfer this knowledge to real world problems involving area.

GED Content Areas

  • Geometry

Introduction to Circles

The purpose of this lesson is to teach students to measure and compare the ratio of circumference to diameter of circles and to identify the relationships between the parts of a circle. Also, students will form generalizations about employment opportunities such as quilting, jewelry making, manufacturing of ball bearings, car rims and wheels, sports equipment, and skilled jobs such as, plumbing, construction, machinist, etc.

GED Content Areas

  • Number and Ratios

  • Geometry

Introduction to Pythagorean Theorem

The purpose of this lesson is to allow students to visually experience the purpose and application of the Pythagorean Theorem. Students will learn to use the formula to solve problems logically and increase their problem solving ability.

GED Content Areas

  • Geometry

Locate Points in the Coordinate Plane

  • The purpose of this lesson is to enable students to locate points that lie in a plane formed by two intersecting axes. The students will understand that the x-axis is horizontal and the y-axis is vertical on the coordinate plane. Also, the students will be able to identify the location of a point shown by two numbers called an ordered pair. Understanding the coordinate plane is important for real world concepts of geometry and algebra for graphing and solving equations.

GED Content Areas

  • Geometry

Location, Location, Location: Navigating in the Coordinate Plane

In this lesson, students will learn the basic knowledge or a coordinate grid and what it is useful.  Students will learn to plot points and use points to determine location.  Knowledge of the coordinate plane is a precursor to more advanced geometry and trigonometry.  In and of itself, however, the application of some sort of organized locator plan is used in groceries, department stores, parking lots, campuses of colleges and large businesses, and, locally, in at least four factories.

GED Content Areas

  • Geometry

  • Number and Ratios

Math Skills for Carpet & Tile Installation

This lesson shows students how math skills can be applied to make improvements to their own living spaces. It also shows them how they would use these math skills if they were employed in the trade jobs of carpet laying or tile setting. This lesson builds on the unit’s aim to help students explore trade jobs.

GED Content Areas

  • Geometry

  • Number and Ratios

Playing with Pythagoras

To further student understanding of Pythagorean Theorem and its application to word problems and distance on the coordinate plane

GED Content Areas

  • Geometry

Profit and Growth

Students will understand and apply scale, similar shapes, and proportional reasoning forming a bridge between scale drawings and real objects.

Students will use the skill learned to plan events by dividing the space to be used appropriately, and by knowing how many tables and chairs are to be used based on the number of individuals attending the planned event.

Scale drawing will assist students in preparing ahead designing the space to be used. Because of understanding scale drawing, students can know exactly how many tables and chairs can be placed in a given space.

Scale drawing is a visual representation of the space.

GED Content Areas

  • Geometry

Task-Based Pythagoras

This lesson will teach students how to properly use and analyze the Pythagorean Theorem through a Task Analysis teaching method. Students will have a step-by-step guide that will assist them in following ordered directions to reach an end goal. This lesson will teach students to self-assess their work and how to trouble shoot when problem solving with the Pythagorean formula.

GED Content Areas

  • Geometry

Things That Are Round

The purpose of this lesson is to expand student's knowledge of using the volume formulas.  Students will use volume formulas to calculate volume of cylinders, cones, and spheres as well as calculate missing dimensions for real-world problems.  Students will use these skills to determine the difference in volume of a rectangular shaped pool and a cylindrical shaped pool.  Also, student will look at the amount of space four ice cubes take up after melting into a cylindrical shaped container.  The ability to use and explain volume formulas is a major work for Level E Geometry.

Students will use many previously learned skills in this lesson in order to calculate volume and the missing dimensions when given volume.  Students will need to have an understanding of substitution and solving equations for a variable.  Students will also need to be familiar with converting units of measure.

GED Content Areas

  • Geometry

  • Geometry

Volume of a Rectangular Solid

The purpose of this lesson is to introduce how to determine the volume of a rectangular prism.  Students will measure and calculate the volume of rectangular prisms.  Many previously learned skills will be used in this lesson in order to calculate the volume of different rectangular prisms.  Students will discuss where these skills would be needed in real life and what jobs would require these skills.  Application of these skills will be used to design a package for a new brownie.

GED Content Areas

  • Number and Ratios

  • Geometry

Wrap it Up - Part 1

The purpose of this lesson is to expand student knowledge of using the surface area formulas.  Students will use surface area formulas to calculate the surface area of rectangular and right prims, and pyramids as well as calculate missing dimensions.  The ability to determine the surface area and use and explain formulas is a major work of Level D Geometry.

Students will use many previously learned skills in this lesson in order to calculate surface area and the missing dimensions when given the surface area.  Students will need to have an understanding of substitution and solving equations for a variable.  Students will also need to be familiar with converting units of measure.

GED Content Areas

  • Geometry

  • Geometry

Wrap it Up - Part 2

The purpose of this lesson is to expand student knowledge of using the surface area formulas.  Students will use surface area formulas to calculate the surface area of cylinders, cones, and spheres, as well as calculate missing dimensions.

Students will use many previously learned skills in this lesson in order to calculate surface area and the missing dimensions when given the surface area.  Students will need to have an understanding of substitution and solving equations for a variable.  Students will also need to be familiar with converting units of measure.

GED Content Areas

  • Geometry

  • Geometry